I am still using one drive, one note and outlook. You stop doing useful things if you don't learn. MBA & EMBA programs. Maybe if he'd actually listen to the Windows fans, this could have been avoided. In addition, Windows on the consumer side needs to aggressively address the pricing issue. They should consider knocking Nokia's door again to deal a place in their handsets. Whats next Xbox, then Surface? It is a slow and sure death, and current management will leave the mess to their replacements. instead of office/onedrive. No, but the folks who drive them sure do like the ride. I mean for now they are great systems if you use OneDrive and windows 10 pc. Good, but completely and utterly useless, worth a poofteenth of nothing unless you actually demonstrate you've learned your lesson by acting to correct your mistake. I am going with Nokia 8 next year. Brazil, France, Canada, UK, India, and Thailand were the countries where more than 40% of their respective populations were using Windows phones. While working full-time at Microsoft, Nadella also earned (1997) a masters degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. It is written by Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston and deals with topics in areas such as Organizational Development Leadership, Organizational culture If Microsoft fail to get a smart phone into the market within the next 5 years and gain market shares then that is it for Microsoft. Always keep learning. Frankly, I don't trust MS any longer. In fact, in our consulting firm I am the only one left with knowledge and there is no push for others to train. Too little too late for me. I highly doubt there were only 20 mil users seeing as I personally know loads who has bought into the Windows ecosystem with no input from me or someone like me. We were told that Microsoft was compremetida with Windows 10 mobile and now we leave the users side, Microsoft Lords as you want to grow the quota if you do not sell phones and does not enough marketing and the developers are going other platform RMs. Like DT is running MS. All they need is a small but powerful tablet in the size of a phone with cellular but do not market it as a phone. Any "survey experts" to SEND A STRONG MESSAGE to Satya Nadella - I will sign and,can get dozens of others just by myself. I think part of the reason we stick around following window phone news as a hobby/passion is because we are constantly yearning for iterative improvements. Ask Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, what the most pressing problems are that he is working to solve right now and he will give you two answers. I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. But I also use Ableton Live 9 and I tried Reaper software too. After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort. That marks a 10% increase compared to 2021. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. that Microsoft would fill in the mobile device space. Falling growth is anathema to such dotage. Something we can print from, and something that doesn't suffer from poor performance. And Joe B, I think there was one thing you missed while you were trying everything to incent developers: committing to the platform and sticking with it. No such action has been taken so I call BS on MS. I'm done with this. If Microsoft had put the entire $7B they spent on Nokia towards additional phone subsidies, lets say they could have made what was normally a $200 phone a free phone. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. And then make whatever changes seem appropriate without being panicked by a single shareholder whose holdings constitute less than 1 percent of all shares. I'm saying if you believe otherwise, you're being driven by something other than statistical probability. Bottom line, if you cannot win the war, change the rules of the game so you can define the battlefield yourself. This adds one more reason why Microsoft struggles in consumers market. So, if you can't re-model or create a market, you have to figure out how to survive in the market(s) that exist and that is what Nadella has done. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. I'm a Verizon customer for 15 years, and I heard they were so mad at Microsoft, hence their later attitude towards carrying and supporting Windows phone. > If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have). Which leads to no sales.. I'm sure if you added all this up, again, like most you, tons of money invested in their products and services. And completely abandoning the consumer market, going for business only. Trying to spin off either product into separate teams or (shudder) businessesis a recipe for chaos. No one cares about that. It doesn't have to compete against companies that make a lot of gadgets. They think they cannot lose the enterprise space, but IBM thought that about OS/2. Actual sales, not percentages of some small market. 4 on the overall list with a yearly compensation of $84,308,755. Silly statement !! With the way they treated windows mobile and developers, it is going to be a real problem when (or if) they actually release this "andromeda" thing. Even the camera on the Nokia 6 is really good, maybe a few issues in low light. Expansion into international market can help Nadella Satya to tap into international talent market. How can MS kill its own future? It was created by Linkin Park, very touch screen friendly! I'm not saying developers won't embrace UWP or that Microsoft will cast aside AR within two years of taking your $500. Admitting apparently isn't keeping him from doing over and over again. Maybe it's a symptom of their hiring practices and cost cutting, but too many people who work at MS don't actually like the company. This so reminds me of when I had my Palm Pre. They aren't the only ones. They need to name and market it under a different moniker!!!! In fact, without the iPhone Apple would be a struggling little company. Thatmemorable momentwas first uploaded to YouTube in 2006, more than eight years ago. Worst CEO I have ever seen, destroyed the reputation of twoonce great companies, MS and Nokia. Let's look at the last 5-7 years. In 1988, Satya completed his bachelor's degree at Manipal Institute in electronic engineering. - Growing Protectionism - Nadella Satya should hedge the risk against growing protectionism ranging from storing data into international market to diversifying risk by operating into countries at different economic cycle. Anything you think Ive missed? "I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones, unless we changed the rules." According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , this can reduce the potential of success of Nadella Satya in the international market. I know there were major issues, but these little things improve daily life of the end user And that's what matters. With the former, you'd have a stronger infrastructure but higher lead time. There are plenty of third party companies that will build their own version of windows devices if they are getting support from MS but if you turn away from them now I can be pretty positive they won't be so willing to take a chance on any new developments later ( fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me). Yes. In 2019 they will stop supporting win 10 mobile. It wasn't making headway. My phone and PC no longer communicate the way they used to. After all, I'm 'only' a consumer! 8. I'm very happy with my iPhone. "We didn't get networks," he said. But it seems there arethose that just can't get engaged with it. Everyone has at least two mobile devices - phone and tablet and mostly they don't run Microsoft OS. Nadella will come out of this looking like a savior. + Surface RT, and two Surface Pro versions. Satya Nadella replaced billionaire Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO in 2014. Just my 2cts. In a recent interview, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said he failed, multiple times, to remain committed to consumers who have shown a commitment to Microsoft. - Diverse Product Portfolio of Nadella Satya The products and brand portfolio of Nadella Satya is enabling it to target various segments in the domestic market at the same time. They dominate in search and Android, maybe IoT, but that is questionable. MICROSOFT=IBM..Sent from my new note8 **** Windows. However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). Then we get them bought by HP. Updates? Win 10 pcs are nowhere near 1.5 billion, and never will be. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , there is huge scope of improvement in inventory management. After groove and the W10 mobile announcement I ordered my Pixel and have moved everything over to Google. MS has long suffered with a lack of systemic thinking - an inability to see beyond a US centric closed system. And i have owned an 830 and then a 950xl since Not true. Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. The PC market could face materially worse returns than expected. Nadella Satya first hand witnessed the impact of it where it has seen lower demand of its products from middle class customers in US and EU market. But at some point Surface will need to flip to the black. Let's also not forget to recognize Intel's inability to deliver a competitive x86 chip for mobile. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. He is the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 as CEO and John W. Thompson in 2021 as chairman. This includes a base salary of $918,917, along with $3,600,000 in cash bonus and $12,729 in perquisites. And while all that is going on I'm also going to invest massively in windows on arm, VR, AR, AI, cloud and everything else I think is important. It's clear that MS has no idea how to relate to the average consumer. So overall mobile operating system revenues are not much more than 1% percent of overall software revenues, and while it is still not small, you know there are also those 99%. He learned the importance of daily gratitude from Michael Gervais and considers it . Please do yourself a favor, and get either an iPhone or Android device. At the end of the day we're supposed youse it, but many features are good in potential but are half baked, or even not accessible in many regions and languages. But there are no wow factor you put into the phone.. Testing RFID blocking cards: Do they work? MS threw away all the seeds. Google now has a year's worth of my use and it's assitant, while not as nice as Cortana, has customized itself to me. At this point, you could say Microsoft is autistic from time to time. Large organizations should welcome such scrutiny. Companies that go after short term profits and sacrifice visions always lose in the long term, and unfortunately MSFT is at that crossroad. Nadella said it's cloud first. That is cured with royalties or being good at releasing bug free OSes and apps, Ah, downvoted for pointing out the truth, Android apps did nothing but hasten the demise of BB10. History does repeat itself, and in the corporate world it is usually because of poor management and lack of vision. I've owned Zune/Groove, WinMo 6.x, Lumia 900, 640, Yezz Billy 8, and Now Lumia 950. Fans, users, developers and enterprise users think long term. Balmer got it right when he wanted to populate users with inexpensive and fully usable handsets which bumped up the share to 4% world wide and around 15%in Europe only to be divested by Nadella. Not a clunky old device from work - because outside of the tech industry most people don't get shiny new laptops every 12-18months. My bottom line is I wish MS would buy back or pay off what I have left to pay on my 950. He took over as CEO in 2014 and has since led Microsoft through a period of significant growth and transformation. Windows phones were reaching 10% market share in some markets. Its up to Nadella to ensure that the Surface project can finally be taken off financial life support and walk under its own steam. Does Continiuum not fit into the overall "not a phone but a new form factor for mobile computing" gameplan? Bought a spare battery. " but he likes iPhone better" ~ No they didn't MS just doesn't get internationalisation, or user needs outside of the US tech bubble. Yeah, this will hurt them. Certain apps were noticeably missing, but it remained a viable platform for many people and was even quite popular in a number of countries outside the US. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. Great! Ballmer would have doubled down on the Nokia purchase and pushed Windows phone hard and all of the other developments could have kept developers on board and continued its slow, steady growth. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , Nadella Satya needs fundamental changes to business model rather than cosmetic changes. Sure, there's the Holodeck, but that's a plot device and not an actual envisioning of "how stuff gets done." That's ok though. Everyone has seen the clip of Steve Ballmer doing that chant, right? I can honestly say, I would go back to my windows phone in a heartbeat if it had the same apps and a future. That's more than just fanboys. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. Read Satya Nadella's letter to employees; . Now just like me I probably will not buy a microsoft VR device. Just once. Please forget about Win32 antiques. Microsoft is no longer the giant it used to be, and apparently is digging its own grave. Satya seems to have loyalty issues, with users, with developers and with Microsoft former employees. The Surface division had a rocky start but seems to have recovered after those initial stumbles. ), an Xbox one and Xbox One S, a W10 HP desktop for my daughter. Even though it looks really cool, I have a really hard time being sold on their mixed reality. Earlier that year his wife, Anu, had given him a best-selling book by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck entitled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, suspecting it might give Nadella some ideas for Microsoft. They can't even get a Cortana powered speaker off the ground. Nadella has said from the get go that Microsoft is committed to mobile. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. Windows phone really was caught between a rock and a hard place. Most people in the US don't understand the pull of Nokia as brand. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. Hehe . I'm a former java developer who has been swayed towards UWP and to "one software works on all devices" paradigm. Yes, it could be a long time before that end, but the end has to start sometime. Again all available in people's pockets. If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have) then do something to bridge that gap. The ship was already torpedoed by the time Nadella got the helm. What is he planning to do to correct this? So when it comes time to launch a new category of devices they can draw from that loyal consumer base to use their new product. With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. He joined Microsoft in 1992 and became CEO of the company in 2014. If you didn't have MS Office you'd be nothing be an ancient memory in anals of computer history. He's the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, and one of only three in their history. And I'm going to kick the marketing guys arse until he puts together a decent global campaign. being a Windows Mobile user since the days of the PocketPC, WM4 WM5.3, WP7, etc etc.. etc.. Time is running out, 8 things you can do with Linux that you can't do with MacOS or Windows, The most exciting phones at MWC 2023 (that you likely can't buy), The top satellite phones and gadgets for reliable off-grid communication, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. And one last thing focusing on one comment I made. Their exclusivity killed windows phone. While 100 million phones sounds impressive, that is over what time span? What did we get, oh we are committed to WebOS and its future. With Microsoft nearly out of the consumer space businesses are feeling less inclined to use other Microsoft products because of the increased complexity. I looked into that and once again it would require rewriting and they wonder why, other than marketshare, developers stayed away they couldn't provide stability. I generally agree withall of this. I no longer consider myself a "Everything Microsoft" purchaser. You don't even have to say "hey Cortana", so, there's that. To get developers, they would have needed 25% or more at least, and users that spend money in the app store. So let's market a phone that is not a phone for the fear of recalling the big fiasco made out of 10% of mobile market share they made out of Windows Phone/windows 10 mobile. I'm on the Insiders program. Sure it wasnt successful but it. Where is MS's answer to those? As an end-user, I was frequently frustrated by the lack of a Windows Phone/Windows Mobile version for an app specialized to our industry. This is especially the case if you are not a technically minded person - which is 99% of the market. You have any data to show any meaningful increase in sales? But to do that they better get busy. What Microsoft lost is more than a windows mobile customer. They just want a simple product/service which fulfils there dreams. I have 2 Windows Mobiles and I am still eyeing for an HP Elite X3. Pretty logic to me. A low cost, touch device, similar to the Surface. The more I see his management style the more I realize that he has no idea what he's doing in terms of long term goals. They seemingly consistently choose to be drunk on designed obsolescence to the nth degree, and people are catching on to it, and switching platforms as a result. Without that key influx of new devices, Windows 8.xs store is all gussied up with no one to dance with. Europe has 750 000 000 people, that's a bigger market than US. Zero trust in that company anymore, zero. I don't see a long term future even for windows if this idea fails. MIcrosoft should keep W10M alive until it can upstage it to something better. Windows 10 has the numbers and we see new good quality apps appearing in the store on a daily basis. Great person.not a great person to push microsoft forward. Where did he come from Enterprise and servers. Albeit without the use ahem salty language lol. Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. To hell with MS. Good luck being with being purely an enterprise OS and an office supplier. it seems to me that not only does the company have contempt for users, it can no longer write programmes that work with its own operating syustem. I've never had a any other smart phone but a Microsoft mobile OS. Consumers and business want a third choice or at the very least they want to be able to decide. MS, however, feel differently? It's tough to grow anything without seeds. The main problem here is that people can actually find free substitutes for those. That comment deserves an up vote. Mobile is small?? Guess which is going to win mindshare and therefore developer attention? That sh*t just doesn't add up. There were rumblings since last year that WM was going to be killed off yet no one came out and gave an official word other than crap about "being committed to mobile". After all that there's a board shake up and we get Apotheker as head. Disney's DMA contract already wasn't renewed. iPhone, Mac, ipad, Apple music, iCloud Email, Pages, Keynote, numbers etc. Look inside most of our elementary schools. Android is not all that great, even though it was either that or an expensive iPhone with no way to use the MS apps by default. As much as he had to pull the plug on Balmer's bad decisions. EXCELLENT POINT, I completely agree!!! Figuring out the planto get from clunky licenses to a subscription-based future will be a key challenge for Nadella. What really killed it though was the repeated reboots of mobile since WP7 where they left everyone in the dust moving forward. The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. Unless/until hundreds of millions are sold, no one is going to write MOBILE apps for it, because developers have all been burned too many times. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). Current management thinks they cannot lose because of the Windows desktop dominance, but they are wrong because both consumers and enterprises seek intergrated solutions these days. We as consumers are being misled by Paid Media(In India, we call them Presstitutes) regarding Microsoft. They will have to do something really convincing to keep me from drifting way. - Strong Balance Sheet and Financial Statement of Nadella Satya can help it to invest in new and diverse projects that can further diversify the revenue stream and increase Return on Sales (RoS) & other metrics. I agree, IBM now has declining revenue, because to the ordinary person, IBM has no relevance at all. On consumer devices, the cost of a license is going to have to drop dramatically. Nadella grew up in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad and studied electrical engineering at Mangalore University (B.Sc., 1988). Nothing good can come of that.. Just dropped us like a hot potato. It's frustrating to see for a company I was quite overzealous about at a time. He's a first grade FOOL. If UWP really means, for the most part, a wrapper to distribute apps in a low quality store then UWP lacks any real point other than as a curated software respository. I think any decision he made was going to cost Microsoft something. But as noted by NOT having a precesence in Mobile with a OS that cleanly integrates into the PC, they are failing. Just as Google's Chrome was a trojan horse on Windows, Microsoft needs to build an app(s) on Android and iOS that consumers fall in love with and can't live without. @Sean D. I completely agree. I believe so. Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. I understand security needed to be stepped up, but you all did not take a practicle view of what is truly intuitive. All business end-users are consumers. I look at this like eating at a restaurant that constantly gets your order wrong. Thats Nadellas new problem. Until then we can enjoy the many new Universal apps on our superior Lumia 950 (XL) phones. This includes canceling my 365 subscription and will close my OneDrive account once I transfer everything over. I have no doubt Microsoft will be successful long-term, but Nadella is morphing the Microsoft DNA completely away from consumer-facing products & services, and probably also away from front-end Enterprise products & services, concentrating strictly on cloud-base services and back-end infrastructure at the internet level. PC market is diminishing; tablet market is diminishing Intellectual Stimulation. But that does not make him good on the PC or a smartphone or understand anything about the consumer. They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. I tell you. Now change the proud tradition, established by your founder Bill. I was never unhappy with the OS as a whole and I still prefer it to Android. LOL, the only thing worth copying from a Lumia was the camera technology. BS! They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. They did this with browsers in the early days of the consumer based internet. Thank you, Brett. That was more true in the 1980's than it is today. Nadella needs to find a way to increase tablet sales, a device class that I suspect uses Windows Store apps on a larger per-unit scale than other form factors. They may bring out a reboot device. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The work that goes into Windows and Office ends up in both the enterprise and consumer/soho versions of those two products. It faltered because MS failed to release any new compelling hardware to entice new buyers. Microsoft's annual stockholders meeting, as I recall is November 29, 2017 - 49 days from today - why not speak with a LOUD GLOBAL VOICE! Good-bye MS. Good-bye Edge, Bing, Cortana, Groove, Office, Outlook, Photos, OneDrive, Skype, Store, etc., etc. The global PC market is expected to contract a few points this year, and then bottom out in 2015. I don't blame Nadella as much as I blame Ballmer. Microsoft also sellsOffice 365 to businesses large and small, governments, and educational customers. The only apparent certainty at this point is that Nadella cares ONLY about Microsoft's cloud services, and Andriod & iOS apps. By unifying the underlying core, Microsoft was on the cusp of branching it all together but we all know what happened, the decisions, miss steps and burned bridges is why we do not have a thriving UWP developmental uptake. So give them a fair listen. Any software company THIS bad at software, why in the hell would I trust their Hardware. How many of those 100 million Windows phones are still in use? It's all good in their bank account for now.
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